tHANK YOU!! YOUR feelings chart and guide on how to use it


Interested in other activities that get your Tween tALKING about their feelings?


Six easy and engaging activities to get you and your 8 to 12 year-old talking comfortably about all kinds of emotions.

Embarrassment. Anxiety. Resentment. Sadness. We all know that positive mental health is tied to being able to identify and communicate effectively about uncomfortable emotions. When you know how your child is feeling, you can help. Plus, when kids talk about their feelings, they can stay regulated more easily and don’t have to communicate through challenging behavior.

Have you already tried talking to your tween about how they’re feeling, but don’t feel like you’re getting anywhere? Children typically pull away during the tween years and share less with their parents and caregivers. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t need help. They need it now more than ever as they experience new, more intense, and more complex emotions.

In these activities, you’ll learn some of the tools of a child therapist to get your tween talking. They use the same light-hearted imagery from the Feelings Chart you just downloaded, so you’ll have consistency during the activities and discussions.

 The ACTIVITIES IN THIS BUNDLE are sold individually for $5 EACh.
as a new mailing list member, you can access all six today for $9.


Hi, I’m Dr. Leah -

I remember what it was like when I was a tween myself - feeling disconnected from my parents and on my own to sort through my feelings. As an adult and child psychologist, I’ve had the opportunity to work professionally with tweens for 20+ years, talking and listening to them share their thoughts and feelings about themselves and their parents, siblings, friends and classmates.

I created and often use the activities in this bundle during my own work with tweens. The activities are an engaging way to improve self-awareness of emotions. Plus, the structure of games creates a sense of safety that encourages self-disclosure.


here’s what you will find in the feelings activities bundle:

  1. The Name it to Tame It Card Game allows everyone to take a turn earning points by drawing a feeling card and sharing a time someone might feel that way (1 point), a time they felt that way themselves (2 points), or a time they felt that way AND how they coped or got through that feeling (3 points). Utilize your child’s competitive nature to motivate them to open up. (Note: you should probably let them win!)

  2. The Daily Feelings Tracker is a printable activity that allows your tween to identify and rate a range of feelings they had that day. They can easily rate up to 9 uncomfortable feelings each day, providing you broader insight into their emotional experience. You will observe patterns of emotions and better understand how intensely your tween is experiencing them. Plus, kids often share afterward what caused their feelings, giving you additional context and opportunities to debrief and problem-solve if your child wants. Minimal writing is required (parents can do it with them and write down their ratings if they prefer).

  3. Turn Down the Volume is a printable activity in which the child draws and places feeling cards that belong to four or five general categories along an intensity scale. The first version of this activity includes happy, mad, sad, and scared, while the second version adds another category: self-conscious emotions. Self-consciousness increases dramatically during the tween years, and this helps tweens broaden their feeling vocabulary and reflect on the size of problems that warrant different intensities of emotion.

  4. The Feeling Coin Toss + Art Activity is a printable page with different feeling faces (using the same branded Speaking Tween emojis). All you need is a coin, some crayons, and your flipping skills! Each player takes a turn flipping a coin, and whichever emoji it lands on (or closest to), the player shares a time they felt that emotion. After they share, they get to color and decorate the emoji however they like!

  5. and 6. Cards that can be used for both Concentration and Go Fish are a set of feeling cards that you use to play the classic games of Concentration (aka Memory) and Go Fish! Every time a player gets a match they either share a time they felt that way, or they share what they could do to feel better.

trusted, effective tools using engaging activities

The Feelings Activities Bundle is a low-cost, low-stress way to open the door to your tween’s inner world.

the activities cost more separately… but as a thank you for downloading the Speaking Tween Feelings Chart

you get all six for $9.97




  • To download and print the activities, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader and a printer. Card stock paper works great for the cards, but you can use regular paper as well. You can also order them to be printed at your local copy shop, such as Kinko’s or Fedex.

  • These activities are delivered digitally in pdf format. They are designed to be downloaded and printed from your computer. They are not designed to be played on a digital device.

  • Yes! Each activity will have instructions for playing. There will also be suggestions for parents on how to respond when big feelings are shared.

  • Dr. Leah offers additional training opportunities. Please visit for her other offerings. It is noted that these trainings are educational in nature and are not a substitute for professional consultation.

  • These activities are educational in nature and are not a substitute for psychotherapy. If your child is engaging in aggressive or self-harm behavior, please consult with a mental health professional.

COPYRIGHT © 2023 Leah Altemeier, PhD| Speaking Tween | PRIVACY POLICY 

DISCLAIMER: All content provided is protected under applicable copyright, patent, trademark, and other proprietary rights. All content is provided for informational and education purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical or psychological diagnosis, advice or treatment. Information provided does not create an agreement for service between Dr. Leah Altemeier and the recipient. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to you or your child's symptoms or medical condition. Children or adults who show signs of dangerous behavior toward themselves and/or others, should be placed immediately under the care of a qualified professional.