speaking to tweens isn’t easy. I’m here to help.

Contact details

1818 Westlake Ave North
Seattle, WA 98109


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! The concepts and skills taught by Dr. Altemeier are thoroughly grounded in best practices from peer-reviewed research in the fields of psychology and child development.

  • If you are a parent that wants to learn new ways of interacting, communicating, and supporting your child, then this course is for you! This course will help parents of 8-12 year-old children to adopt a blended approach that neither over-relies on nurturing OR on limit setting. You are in the right place!

  • You are allowed to bring one partner, or co-parenting partner that resides with you* to the group calls FOR FREE in the Speaking Tween Course, as long as they are registered and commit to full participation in the program.

    *To be considered for free participation, co-parenting partners need to be living in the same home. Co-parents who live in separate homes are welcome to participate, although they will need to purchase separately. This is due to the need to address behaviors, needs, and routines that are typically different in each setting.

  • Speaking Tween is educational in nature rather than therapeutic, and the orientation is preventative and/or addresses only mild-to-moderately challenging behaviors and relationships. Thus, the Speaking Tween Course is not a substitute for individual or family therapy. Rather, it’s a powerful course that can provide parents with the tools to communicate effectively with their child to decrease emotional outbursts, build positive connections, and increase independence. These tools can help set tweens on the right path quickly and prepare families for adolescence.

    If your child has serious behaviors that include frequent physical aggression, self-harm or threats of self-harm, or running away from home, this course will not be sufficient for your needs.

  • Dr. Altemeier has professional training and expertience in neurodiversity. This program delivers components, such as increased structure and visual supports, that are recommended for children who are neurodiverse learners. Children will benefit maximally from the parent tools taught in the Speaking Tween course when they are able to read and write at a minimum of a second grade level, have overall intact thinking ability, and at least age-appropriate speaking and listening skills. If you are unsure if your child is a fit, please email Dr. Altemeier at leah@leahaltemier.com

  • No, the course is designed to be educational and not a form of therapy, and insurance does not provide coverage for this type of service.